How to Handle Poor Bridesmaid Etiquette

If you or your daughter plans to have a traditional wedding, having bridesmaids is a must.  Most times the average bridesmaid is helpful, responsible and considerate, but every now and then a bad apple crashes the party.  Whenever a bridesmaid has a bad attitude, is overly aggressive, or even fails to show up for important […]

3 Most Expensive Celebrity Weddings of All Time

Today is Friday and I’m feeling a little frisky.  So for today’s post I thought I’d tackle something fun and write about the 3 most expensive celebrity weddings ever.  Now, when I say ‘celebrity’ I am not referring to royalty, world leaders or big time CEOs – rather, I’ve chosen to focus only on celebrities […]

Rise of the Generic Wedding

In a previous blog post I wrote about the impact of technology on weddings.  The availability of technologies like iphone apps, social media sites, and the internet in general has definitely streamlined the wedding industry, and makes planning a lot easier.  But it also means that everybody now has access to the same information.  Sure, […]

The Incredible Shrinking Wedding

These days, more and more couples are following the “less is more” mantra when it comes to getting married.  In other words, wedding ceremonies are becoming smaller, simpler, and more basic over time.   In fact, this is one of the main wedding trends I have been seeing so far this year.  But this begs the […]

5 Wedding Toast Gaffes to Avoid at All Costs

If you’ve been selected to give a wedding toast (or wedding speech), you probably understand what a tremendous honor this really is.  Whether you’re the maid of honor, the best man, or even the father or mother of the bride, the tradition of the wedding toast is one of the most important elements of the […]

Trend Alert: Rise of the Quickie Wedding

For decades, Las Vegas has been the unquestioned home of the proverbial quickie wedding.  Whether it’s an elopement, a shotgun wedding, an Elvis wedding or even a drive-through wedding, Las Vegas has historically been the destination of choice in the US thanks to the city’s favorable wedding laws (for example, no blood tests or waiting […]

How to be a Terrible Bridesmaid

For any bride-to-be, having supportive bridesmaids is extremely important.  They are the bride’s go-to gals, and are generally expected to help the bride (or the groom, mother of the bride, grandmother of the bride, etc.) through this sometimes stressful event.  Unfortunately, not all bridesmaids see it that way.  So if you’re a bridesmaid and you […]

5 Traditional Wedding Rules that are OK to Break

If you’re a bride-to-be, your big day should be a highly personalized event.  Like that old Burger King slogan, it’s your wedding and you should be able to Have It Your Way.  As such, don’t be afraid to forego some of the age old wedding etiquette rules and customs.  What follows is a list of […]

The Do’s and Don’ts of the Wedding Cake Cutting Tradition

The ceremonial cutting of the wedding cake is one of the longest-standing wedding traditions of them all.  This tradition is meant to symbolize togetherness – that is, it’s viewed as the first task that the married couple will do together.  Although some couples choose to forego this ceremonial act, it’s still widely practiced in weddings […]

Creative Ways to Solicit Bridesmaids

I recently read an article by my good friends over at and it totally inspired me for today’s post.  The purpose of today’s post is to discuss some creative ways in which you can ask your friends and/or family members to be in your bridal party.  I like this topic, because it can be […]